Lambda expressions


DFS uses lambda expressions to define transformations on data points as well as define Boolean conditions that act as filters. Lambda expressions wrap mathematical operations, Boolean operations, internal function calls or a combination of all three.

All lambda expressions in DFS begin with the lambda: keyword.

|where(lambda: "topic" == 'ttop/grap/prec')

In the above example "topic" is used to access the value of a field called topic from the current data_point and compared against the string 'ttop/grap/prec'.

Note here that literal string values are declared using single quotes, while double quotes are used to access the values of tags and fields within the current data_item.

Field paths

As field and tag values can be deeply nested maps and lists, it is possible to use a JSON-path like syntax to reference them:

Valid examples:





Built-in functions

Type conversion

With a few exceptions every type can be converted to every other type.


bool(a_value) -> true|false


int(value) -> integer


float(value) -> float


string(val) -> string

Time functions

Every data_point in faxe contains a field called ts, which holds a UTC timestamp in milliseconds.

Function Description
now() -> integer returns an utc timestamp in milliseconds
to_iso8601(ts) -> string converts the timestamp to an ISO8601 datetime string
to_rfc3339(ts) -> string converts the timestamp to an RFC3339 datetime string
millisecond(ts) -> integer milliseconds within the second [0, 999]
second(ts) -> integer second within the minute [0, 59]
minute(ts) -> integer minute within the hour [0, 59]
hour(ts) -> integer hour within the day [0, 23]
day(ts) -> integer day within the month [1, 31]
day_of_week(ts) -> integer the weekday with week [1, 7] 1 is monday
week(ts) -> integer isoweek-number within year [1, 53]
month(ts) -> integer month within the year [1, 12]


lambda: hour("ts") >= 8 AND hour("ts") < 19

The above expression evaluates to true if the hour of the day for the data point falls between 08:00 and 19:00.

Math functions

Function Description
abs(x) -> number
acos(x) -> float
acosh(x) -> float
asin(x) -> float
asinh(x) -> float
atan(x) -> float
atan2(y, x) -> float
atanh(x) -> float
ceil(x) -> float
cos(x) -> float
cosh(x) -> float
exp(x) -> float
floor(x) -> float
fmod(x, y) -> float
log(x) -> float
log10(x) -> float
log2(x) -> float
max(x, y) -> number
max(list) -> number
min(x, y) -> number
min(list) -> number
pi() -> float gives pi
pow(x, y) -> float
round(x) -> integer round a number to an integer
round_float(x, precision) -> float round a float (x) with the given precision
sin(x) -> float
sinh(x) -> float
sqrt(x) -> float
tan(x) -> float
tanh(x) -> float

String functions

String positions start with index 0.

Function Description
str_at(x, pos) -> string/undefined Returns the grapheme in the position of the given utf8 string. If position is greater than string length, then it returns undefined. Negative offsets count back from the end of the string.
str_capitalize(x) -> string Converts the first character in the given string to uppercase and the remaining to lowercase
str_contains(x, contents) -> bool Check if string contains any of the given contents
str_downcase(x) -> string Convert all characters on the given string to lowercase
str_ends_with(x, suffix) -> string Returns true if string ends with suffix, otherwise false.
str_ends_with_any(x, suffixes) -> string Returns true if string ends with any of the suffixes given, otherwise false.
str_eqi(x,y) -> bool Compares strings case insensitively
str_first(x) -> string/undefined Returns the first grapheme from an utf8 string, undefined if the string is empty
str_last(x) -> string/undefined Returns the last grapheme from an utf8 string, undefined if the string is empty
str_length(x) -> int Returns the number of unicode graphemes in an utf8 string
str_lstrip(x) -> string Returns a string where leading Unicode whitespace has been removed
str_lstrip(x, char) -> string Returns a string where leading char have been removed
str_replace(x, patt, repl) -> string Returns a new string based on subject by replacing the parts matching pattern by replacement.
str_replace_leading/3 Replaces all leading occurrences of match by replacement of match in string.
str_replace_trailing/3 Replaces all trailing occurrences of match by replacement of match in string.
str_replace_prefix(x, match, repl) -> string Replaces prefix in string by replacement if it matches match. Returns the string untouched if there is no match. If match is an empty string (""), replacement is just prepended to string.
str_replace_suffix(x, match, repl) -> string Replaces suffix in string by replacement if it matches match. Returns the string untouched if there is no match. If match is an empty string (""), replacement is just appended to string.
str_reverse(x) -> string Reverses the given string.
str_rstrip(x) -> string Returns a string where trailing Unicode whitespace has been removed
str_rstrip(x, char) -> string Returns a string where trailing char have been removed
str_slice(x, start, len) -> string Returns a substring starting at the offset given by the first, and a length given by the second param, if offset is negative, count back from end of string.
str_starts_with(x, pre) -> bool Returns true if string starts with Prefix
str_starts_with_any(x, prefixes) -> bool Returns true if string starts with any of the prefixes given, otherwise false.
str_strip(x) -> string Returns a string where leading/trailing Unicode whitespace has been removed
str_strip(x, char) -> string Returns a string where leading/trailing char have been removed
str_upcase(x) -> string Convert all characters on the given string to uppercase


Function Description Example
defined(Key) -> bool whether the given Key is defined in the current data-item
undefined(Key) -> bool whether the given Key is NOT defined in the current data-item
topic_part(TopicString, PartIndex, [Seperator]) -> string extract a part from a topic string, Separator defaults to '/', the index of the first part is 1 not 0 topic_part('this/is/mytopic', 2) -> 'is'
member(Ele, ListOrMap) -> bool check for list/set membership of a value, or when used with a map, check if Ele is a key in the map
not_member(Ele, List) -> bool
map_get(Key, Map) -> any get a value from a map, 'undefined' is returned, if the key is not present in map map_get("topic", ls_mem('stream_lookup'))
random(N) -> integer generate a random integer between 1 and N
random_real(N) -> float generate a random float between 0.0 and 1.0, that gets multiplied by N
mem values are set with the mem node
ls_mem(Key) -> any get the single value associated with Key from the flow-memory
ls_mem_list(Key) -> any get the list value associated with Key from the flow-memory
ls_mem_set() -> any get the set value associated with Key from the flow-memory

Conditional functions


Returns the result of its operands depending on the value of the first argument. The second and third arguments must return the same type.


|eval(lambda: if("field.val1" > threshold AND "field.val1" != 0, 'true', 'false'))

The value of the field value in the above example will be the string true or false, depending on the condition passed as the first argument.

The if function’s return type is the same type as its second and third arguments.

if(condition, true expression, false expression)