The amqp_publish node

Publish data to an amqp-broker exchange like rabbitmq. Incoming data is converted to JSON before sending.




Parameter Description Default
host( string ) Ip address or hostname of the broker from config
port( integer ) The broker's port 5672 / from config file
user( string ) AMQP user from config file
pass( string ) AMQP password from config file
vhost( string ) vhost to connect to on the broker '/'
routing_key( string ) routing key for the published messages
routing_key_lambda( lambda ) lambda expression producing a routing key for the published messages
exchange( string ) name of the exchange to publish to
~~safe( is_set ) whether to use acknowledgement for the on-disk queue false (not set)~~
qos( integer ) publish quality, see table below for details 1
persistent( bool ) whether to send the amqp messages with delivery-mode 2 (persistent) false (delivery_mode = 1)
ssl( is_set ) whether to use ssl false (not set)


Qos description
0 internal queuing of messages in memory, in case of network issues, no publisher confirm is used on the channel
1 use internal queue (disc), do not use acknowledgement for it, no publisher confirm is used on the channel
2 most safe mode, internal ondisc queue + acknowledgment according to acknowledgement from the amqp broker