The amqp_consume node

Consume data from an amqp-broker like RabbitMQ.

Once a data-item is received by the node, it will be immediately stored in an on-disk queue for data-safety. Only after this will the item be acknowledged to the amqp broker.

At the moment this node can only setup and work with topic exchanges.




Parameter Description Default
host( string ) Ip address or hostname of the broker
port( integer ) The broker's port 5672 / from config file
user( string ) AMQP user from config file
pass( string ) AMQP password from config file
vhost( string ) vhost to connect to on the broker '/'
routing_key( string ) routing key to use for queue binding undefined
bindings( string_list ) queue-bindings []
queue( string ) name of the queue to bind to the exchange
exchange( string ) name of the exchange to bind to the source exchange
prefetch( integer ) prefetch count to use 70
dt_field( string ) name of the timestamp field that is expected 'ts'
dt_format( string ) timestamp or datetime format that is expected (see table below) 'millisecond'
include_topic ( bool ) whether to include the routingkey in the resulting datapoints true
topic_as ( string ) if include_topic is true, this will be the fieldname for the routingkey value 'topic'
as ( string ) base object for the output data-point undefined
ssl( is_set ) whether to use ssl false (not set)
confirm ( boolean ) whether to acknowledge consumed messages to the amqp broker, when set to false, throughput can be increased with the danger of data-loss true
safe ( boolean ) whether to use faxe's internal queue. If true, messages consumed from the amqp broker will be stored in an internal ondisc queue before they get sent to downstream nodes, to avoid losing data. false

Exactly one of these must be provided: routing_key, bindings.

Available datetime formats

dt_format description example
'millisecond' timestamp UTC in milliseconds 1565343079000
'second' timestamp UTC in seconds 1565343079
'float_micro' timestamp UTC float with microsecond precision 1565343079.173588
'float_millisecond' timestamp UTC float with millisecond precision 1565343079.173
'ISO8601' ISO8601 Datetime format string '2011-10-05T14:48:00.000Z'
'RFC3339' RFC3339 Datetime format string '2018-02-01 15:18:02.088Z'
'convtrack_datetime' special datetime format used in the conveyor tracking data stream '19.08.01 17:33:44,867 '