Nodes are normally connected by their occurence in the dfs script.


Node1 is connected to node2.

The above could also be written as:

def n1 = |node1()


... which results in the same computing flow.

Here we see that we can actively manipulate the connections in a flow by binding a node to a declaration with the def keyword. Whole chains of nodes ie: sub-graphs can be bound to a variable. This is called a chain-declaration.

With the above example we can connect another node to n1:

def n1 = |node1()



Here both nodes node2 and node3 are connected to node1.


Every use of the def keyword interrupts the auto chaining of nodes, ie:

def n3 = |node3()

In the above example, node3 and node4 are not connected to node2, as a consequence of using the def keyword. Instead we have 2 chains in this flow: 1. Node1 connected to node2 and 2. node3 connected node4.

If we'd like to union these 2 node chains:

def in1 =

def in2 = 


There are several node-types in faxe that deal with more than one input node, for example the combine node. Here the use of chain-declarations is necessary:

def s1 =

def s2 =
